Tuesday 12 February 2013


Dancing is a form of art that enables us to express things or communicate with other people. Dance is generally referring to the movement of the body and it is usually rhythmic. It is also used as a form of expression or social interaction. Have you noticed that people who are into dancing have different aura in them, and they seem to be more gay and comfortable as they can sway and move at ease and then there is the beauty that emanates from them especially when they are dancing or after they had just danced?  The spirit of dance is within us all. Children, on hearing music, will often move their bodies and connect to a rhythm quite naturally. Dancing is a primal and ancient form of movement that has been part of our lives from the beginning of time. There is also no doubt that dancing is a wonderful exercise, which not only releases and frees our bones, muscles and joints, but also raises spirits.

Dancing is the best form of exercise especially if you are busy and want to have some fun while doing it. It is not boring and while dancing you can listen to music and then you are more attuned to yourself. Men and women alike can have this form of exercise too. Whatever form of dancing you choose, be it solo, with a partner or a group it is an awesome way of making you fitter.

Many forms of dancing can cause weight loss.  Not only does dance raise the heart rate through movement, it also tones and tightens the major muscle groups of the body. Dancing can burn as many calories as walking, swimming, or riding a bicycle.

Dancing is also good for the mind because it develops our memory during the dance itself. It makes us healthier since it improves blood circulations, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. It also encourages coordination, balance and muscle strength.

   Other benefits we get from dancing are:
·         Lowers cholesterol: When you dance, your fats are burned at the same time.

·         Helps to cure dementia at old age, because you memorize steps and remember the rhythm.

·         It makes you feel good about yourself.

·         You exercise while having fun too and enjoying the company of others while you share thoughts and socializing especially if it is social dancing or you have a partner.

·         It is not tedious or boring as you are accompanied with music.

·         It is not expensive as you can do this on your own.

·         It is a form of communication too, bodily movements and synchronization is important if you have a partner too.

Hub pages
ABC of fitness, part of maxlife style international Inc.
Business 2 customer (B2C)
About.com dance


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